Detall de l'activitat
15th. Annual meeting of the European Delirium Association
Societat Catalana de Geriatria i Gerontologia
16, 17, 18 i 19 de novembre de 2021| On Line

On line
Dimecres, 17 de novembre de 2021 | 07:00 - 20:00
Session 1. Impact of delirium on the society and on healthcare services > Online -
Alasdair M J MacLullich
Impact and costs of delirium on the society
Potential impact of delirium on lower and middle income countries
Will COVID-19 improve the policies about delirium?
Session 2. Caregivers’ and patients’ experience > Online -
Carer (and volunteers) perspective
A patient/caregiver
KEYNOTE LECTURE: Frailty and delirium: new insights as keys for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment > Online -
Emma Vardy
Session 3. Delirium and dementia in primary care and in the community > Online -
Stefan H. Kreisel
Epidemiology of delirium and dementia in the community
Delirium and dementia: overlap and differences
Living labs in dementia, and how delirium is considered
Parallel Session 1: Delirium in the ER > Online -
How nurses and other professional could recognize delirium
Delirium outcomes
Is there a role for an occupational therapy intervention?
Dijous, 18 de novembre de 2021 | 07:00 - 20:00
Parallel Session 2: Delirium in ICU > Online -
ICU prevention and physical restraints
Non-pharmacological interventions to prevent ICU delirium; a multicenter stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial
Frailty and Delirium in ICU patients with and without COVID-19
Parallel Session 3: Workshop session. QI ‘clinic’, helping people progress and ask questions about their local projects > Online -
Parallel Session 1: Delirium in the hospital > On line -
Results of the delirium day Italian-Catalan initiative
Delirium in COVID-19 patients
Delirium pathophysiology in acute medical wards
Parallel Session 2: Delirium in orthogeriatrics > On line -
Delirium in the elderly, hip fracture?
Pathophysiology /CSF-studies in hip-fracture patients
OT in acute geriatric wards and prevention of delirium
Divendres, 19 de novembre de 2021 | 07:00 - 20:00
Session 4. Delirium in stroke patients > Online -
Clinical screening and risk factors
Biomarkers and outcomes for delirium in acute stroke
KEYNOTE LECTURE: What anaesthesia can teach us about delirium? > Online -
Arjen Slooter
Session 5. Delirium from a management perspective > Online -
Marco Inzitari
Debate with local policy-makers and managers
Parallel sessions 4: Geriatrics and end-of life care > Online -
Delirium epidemiology and outcomes in the nursing home
Frailty and delirium: what COVID-19 has thought
Advances in the management of delirium at the end of the life
Announcement of EDA 2022, ads 2022, ADA 2022; Maeve Leonard Award and Farewell > Online -
Parallel sessions 4: Post-discharge sequelae and education > Online -
Transitions of care and delirium
Long-term cognitive impairment after delirium in the pre and post-COVID-19 era